Friday, February 13, 2009

Urban debris and a bad case of the shivers

The building that I work in is an old, decommissioned elementary school from the 30's, which means terrazzo floors, beautiful hardwoods, granite bathroom stalls and the worst infrastructure EVER! It's one of those places where 2 people in different parts of the building can't run a microwave at the same time or breakers will start tripping. The water that comes out of our pipes is the color of weak tea and we have loud and inconsistent steam heat. Well the heat recently got more consistent, in so far as the boiler died completely, so there is none. This hasn't been a problems this week as we have had unseasonably warm weather (the morning lows next week will be murder though), but even with the temp steadily heading toward 62 today being on the north side of the building I am typing in a coat, hat & gloves with a blanket on my lap! I'm telling you all of this because they have started to dismantle the old boiler only to discover that what was first thought to be a 3 day project will likely become a 2 week process due to the extensive damage. They have dredged all manner of interesting metal pieces from the basement which off course I have to photograph! Who knows maybe I'll rework them a little in Photoshop a little bit and sell prints on the cheap. Tell me what you think.

There's more, but it's more or less the same shots, just variants. Thanks for looking


  1. I like the shots! They look like something from an old space horror flick. Like if you were to stick your hand in that hole on top it would be severed off instantly or something. (Ew. That's gross and I suppose it doesn't really sound too much like a compliment. Sorry.) Very nice!

  2. Hey you know me, I am a weirdo! A horror-nut weirdo!
    So that is the PERFECT compliment.
